Eight Hearts Diamond
The Ultimate Diamond

Eight Hearts Diamond is the official representative of AGS Lab, come talk to us on all the AGS products and questions 

Light Performance cut grade system

its Performance based diamond cut grade system, all facets of a diamond are measured in three dimensions rather than two dimensions (vs proportion based grading still using by other leading Labs). The measurements are used by a ray tracing computer program to trace light rays traveling through a diamond. The program shows the quantity and quality of the light being returned to the viewer. In addition to proportion, symmetry, and polish, we also consider brightness, dispersion, leakage, contrast and spread in assigning the final cut grade.

Lowest grade will be assigned for any of the factors scores with highest point. (Strictest in the trade)
AGS vs GIA, can you see the difference
Aset image of a perfect cut diamond, ideal, H&A and with 0 light performance score

Angular Spectrum Evaluation Tool ( ASET )


The Aset uses the Angular Spectrum to display and evaluate the optical performance of diamond.  The device simulate the 3 type of lighting conditions which affect the performance of a diamond:  Direct Light (most intense, most desirable) , Reflected Light (less intense,little or not desirable),  Obscured Light (No intensity, block by the observer) and Lekeage (MOST unwanted element).  Color from the Aset image reflected such condition.

Fire (Spot light vs White Light
Performance grading is much more scientific than the proportion based grading, showing 56% table chart
Aset chart, for easy stone selection
Aset image, for stone identification