Eight Hearts Diamond
The Ultimate Diamond
The IDEX Diamond Price Report, published weekly, is an analysis of asking prices for higher-quality diamonds in the international wholesale markets. The report is based on price changes as reflected by the global trade on IDEX's trading platform, providing a reliable, transparent and unbiased pricing tool

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Yau Philip June 22nd 2014

白鑽石價格對比我上次二月寫同題材時上漲了约 10到15%左右,某些國內吃緊的品種如低色高淨度HIJK vvs 或高中色低淨度DEFGHI SI I 加幅比較大
批發價格Rapaport 在其間輪流在不同品種上加1 到 3 %. 通脹超過預期加上不錯的國際銷售,Debeers 也持續的在原石上抬高批發價格。不可避免的提升了後市在價格上的期盼
六月展覽中從Rapaport 开出的折扣可能是歷來最少的其中幾次,某些以前不大熱門的品種如3,4 克拉的JK vvs 和 si 都出現單位的折扣,熱門品種 如GH VS 或SI等都出現了只有 3 到 5 点(5)的折扣,前所末見……意味什麼……Rapaport 很快會順應民意-加價
順带提醒上次没讀過我顏色鑽石(Color Diamond )價格趨勢的朋友,到目前為此雖然需求和興趣增加了不少,(當然也包括價格),我們還是有機會找到質好價優的貨品……拿這次展會講個真實故事……


X: 彩鑽的升幅也太快了,原本三千的東西現在要萬五,如果不是客戶堅持怕再上升真的不想做這生意…
Philip :什麼貨,那里有那麼誇張
X:FVOY.和.LP.. 以前才几千現在要萬多一克拉……
Philip: 太巧了,正好我也買了些貨,其中的相似……怎麼會比你的便宜那麼多……………


我們可以發覺大部分印度人彩鑽,小於一卡的都是新証,價格都比市場價貴……真的有如此多新彩鑽嗎?非也,這些本身都是統貨(Parcel )很便宜所以不出証……如今他們從中挑出好的……出証,然後以他們認為的價格賣如姜太公釣魚…

Philip Yau

The Colored Diamond Boom
Fancy colored diamond prices are showing significant gains in 2013 while other goods struggle along. As a result, the various auctions and tenders held in the past two weeks continued to set records, hea...dlining the strength of the colored diamond market with both dealers and private buyers driving up prices.
Of course, this trend is not new. The strength of the colored diamond market has been well documented in this publication and others, maintaining a decade-long uptrend, even through the crash of 2008. But industry veterans note a significant change in the past year.
Eden Rachminov, managing owner of Rachminov Diamonds 1891, describes an onslaught of new players in the colored diamond market. “White goods have been soft in the past two years, while colored stones have been a good item,” he explained. “Therefore, many companies have decided to build an inventory of fancy colors. So instead of a healthy market that we traditionally had with five to seven major players, suddenly there are 30 to 40 companies in each country with fancy colored diamonds in stock.”
With more buyers around and diminishing supply, prices have continued to increase. While there is no formal price list for colored goods, Rachminov estimates that prices for pink diamonds are up about 30 percent from a year ago, while fancy intense vivid yellow goods are up around 35 percent, with lower-quality yellow diamonds up approximately 10 percent. Prices of fancy blue diamonds have increased by about 35 percent in the past two years, he added.
Similar estimates were reported from Rio Tinto’s recent Argyle tender of pink diamonds. Leibish Polnauer, of Leibish & Co., who won seven of the 64 Argyle diamonds on offer at the tender, said prices were about 35 percent higher than last year. He similarly reasoned that there were more people bidding. As a result, Rio Tinto fetched record prices with its top lot, a 2.51-carat, fancy deep pink diamond, selling for more than $2 million, or at least $797,000 per carat.
But apart from the growing dealer demand, the rarity of supply and a growing pool of wealthy consumers for these goods is fueling the rush and driving up prices.
Certainly, these goods are rare. As one dealer explained, they’re a niche within a niche within a niche. Rio Tinto’s Argyle mine in Australia, which the company claims produces more than 90 percent of the world’s rare pink diamonds, has commissioned underground mining to extend its life until 2020. But the mine is not expected to have too many years left beyond that and those rare stones are becoming harder, and more expensive, to find the deeper it gets.
That rarity is also spurring a new penchant for colored diamonds among collectors and investors alike. Growing wealth in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East has helped maintain high demand for colored diamonds as the new rich recognize its investment value. In addition, the market has been buoyed as high-end consumers in the U.S. and Europe have regained some lost confidence.
Buyers were therefore spread geographically at the recent Christie’s New York Magnificent Jewels sale. Three of the top ten lots went to private Asian buyers, three to the international trade, two of the top buyers remained anonymous, and one lot sold to a member of the U.S. trade. The very top lot sold to UK-based Moussaieff Jewellers, which bought the rectangular cut, 8.77-carat, fancy intense pink, VVS1 diamond for $6.3 million, or $721,200 per carat.
Meanwhile, private Asian buyers dominated the recent Sotheby’s Hong Kong auction, in which the top lots were predominantly white goods. The highlight there was an oval, 118.28-carat, D, FL, type IIa diamond that sold for $30.7 million, or $258,708 per carat, setting a record for a white diamond sold at auction.
But those larger, high-end investment-grade diamonds are an exception in the white diamond space and another niche within a niche. Commercial diamonds have been volatile in the past five years and have not offered the same returns as their colored counterparts. The market has been especially cautious in the past 12 months; the RapNet Diamond Index (RAPI™) for 1-carat certified (white) polished diamond prices has dropped 5 percent in October from a year ago. Certified 0.30-carat to 0.50-carat goods have fared better as uncertain markets tend to shift toward lower price points.
In contrast, the strong demand witnessed for colored diamonds at the auctions has filtered down to commercial goods as well. Dealers explain that the rarity enhances the investment appeal of colored diamonds even among medium-to-lower-end consumers.
However, the market is not without limits. A showcase 7.59-carat, fancy vivid blue, IF diamond named the “Premier Blue” failed to sell at Sotheby’s Hong Kong. According to the Associated Press, bidding reached $16.1 million, which was below its reserve. Dealers that spoke with Rapaport News agreed that the piece was way over-priced and that “the blue was a weak color.”
There may also be a question if the colored diamond trade can handle the crowd. After all, it has traditionally been a very intimate market, with its own set of rules and a particular skill set. The lack of a formal or transparent pricing structure adds to its mystique and gives it a high-entry barrier. Therefore, it is likely that many of those newcomers who have entered the market will eventually drop out and seek their lost margins in other niche products outside the round, white diamond space.
But still, the outlook for colored diamonds remains positive. Rachminov dismisses the notion that the colored market may be in a bubble that will eventually burst. Polnauer and others agree with him. They justify that dealers have shifted to this market for a reason and continue to compete for an ever dwindling supply of goods. Prices have increased due to consumer demand and not speculation.
Nothing is completely bubble resistant. But for now, consumers are looking for something unusual and exciting, with real value, at a time when low interest rates continue to drive the wealthy to invest in collectible, connoisseur items. In such an environment, colored diamonds surely make the grade and are likely to outperform other assets in the short term. For now, the colored market remains the one bright spot of real growth in an otherwise stagnant diamond industry.

馬年2014 的國際鑽石預測
 Yau Philip
 Feb 4th 2014

 1. Debeers 去年中和後期己陸續上調原石價格,(雖然零售市場不如預期好)至今已超過10%以
 2. 各國加工成本不斷上升尤其以印度中國等大產國特別嚴重。
 3. Rapaport (鑽石批發表)自去年起已經一路上調VS,SI和低顏色貨品有些高達15 to 20%(此類物品第一由於需求上升加上切割成本佔總鑽價高所以漲幅比較高
 4. 投資级鑽石市場,一如所料,上次拍出世界上最高價的59克拉粉鑽60million usd已是低低部,此钻應起碼值120 million 但當時只叫了2囗價就成交了價格遠低於它的所值價。. 此拍賣後私人所放出的珍藏级大彩或白钻都多有不錯的折讓,此景在最近幾個月已很少可以找到...何謂也?因為太多太多的市場,公司已調高批發價,所以放售後如要補回意謂很高的差額
 5. 最後是鑽石礦的供應在長遠的供應遠追不上需求,此因素不會讓鑽石像很多人期盼的"馬上升值" 但卻可以讓购買者安心今天買下的鑽石不會像国内的A股"每況愈下". BTW. 今年我是看好A股的。
 上期在博文"Hope diamond 卡地亚,希望之星藍鑽魔之謎提起過……鑽石在法國路易14 太陽王The Sun King 之前世界上很少人了解並喜歡鑽石…
 昨天碰巧看了個The Birth of VenusNascita di Venere1486 )by Sandro Botticelli. 的畫展,Botticelli 本是個金银制造学徒所以在早期畫了不少人物戴上當年流行的珠寶……可以看到的確大部分是用珍珠